巴士自然會繞路,以我這次為例,我去的Hervey bay , from Brisbane只要3 hrs,可是他就是有辦法硬是多到5 hr才給你到達,因為司機路上共休息兩次,每次都30分鐘以上,短短五小時就休息了兩次,以國人思想絕對認為很誇張,可是換個角度想,這樣就能充分讓司機休息了,算是非常人性的考量,台灣的巴士司機,都在趕路,又累、薪水又少,若他們知道澳洲是這樣的善待巴士駕駛,肯定是羨慕到萬里長城都垮了。
Lake wabby:
西方人很能及時行樂,看到了湖水管他天氣冷不冷,立刻跳下湖水玩起來了,Lake wabby這裡湖水果真跟廣告單一樣,像躺在山澗的綠寶石一樣閃閃發亮,即使天氣沒有很好,還是碧綠的讓人不可思議。外加上依傍在一起的數不盡的白沙,可以邊划沙在衝入湖水中享受嗆涼的湖水,湖中水的魚肥大無比,即使人靠近也不在乎的悠遊,目測似乎是鯰魚種。因為這裡實在太美、太美了,美的不像話,跟人間仙境一樣,即使花費了走路2.4KM的長途,還是很值得一看。
即使是淡季,參加Freser Island's tour還是很貴,3 day 2 Night隨便都是300起跳,蠻多人是建議2D1N就夠了,我個人是認為若要徹底體驗不要很趕的享受這個旅程, 3D2N剛好,不會嫌太多或太少。
只要自行從Brisbane搭車到Hervey bay or Noosa head就可以找到很多旅館的拼搭旅遊團,從Hervey bay到Freser island是最近的,只要40分鐘搭船,若從Noosa head要多花將近兩小時才會上島,這兩個地方都在Brisbane北方的兩個大鎮。拼搭旅遊團指的就是跟旅館租車一群人到那裡玩,售價通常是算人頭的,以我這次為例,每人收210,不含住宿(住帳棚)、吃食(自己買食物),是屬於最省錢的玩法。但我個人認為若人夠多,自己湊團後可以去市區找4WD的出租店,3天差不多450上下,5個人以上SHARE就會比你跟Hostel的湊團省很多了,我是因為只有一人的湊團,所以不得不加入HOSTEL的湊團之旅。
QBE Riverfire returns to the skies over Brisbane as the city unites to welcome Riverfestival 2008!
Featuring Brisbane’s biggest and most spectacular fireworks display, QBE Riverfire transforms our city into a massive celebration, as hundreds of thousands of people pack the banks of the Brisbane River and come together in backyards across the suburbs.
Eyes are riveted to the sky, while feet are tapping on the ground during the stunning choreographed fireworks display, set to the pumping QBE Riverfire 2008 soundtrack from Triple M 104.5FM and all captured live on Channel Seven’s special broadcast from 6.30pm. And then, the ultimate crowd pleaser as the RAAF F1-11* strike jets sweep low over the city before performing their ‘dump and burn’.
The QBE Riverfire party sparks into action well before dark, with plenty to see for people arriving early to claim the best vantage points. The Australian Defence Force flies the flag high with a fantastic Open Day program at South Bank, including military aircraft, showcase drills and live music, before taking to the skies from 5pm with a dazzling display by the gravity-defying Roulettes*.
QBE Riverfire will proceed in wet weather and will only be cancelled in extreme conditions. For wet weather updates listen to Triple M 104.5FM.
Road closures will apply during this event.
*Availability of the Roulettes, F111s and ADF displays subject to operational requirements.
Date range
Sat 30 August 2008 Show dates
7pm - 7.30pm
South Bank Parklands, Little Stanley Street, South Bank
show map & street view
Other vantage points include Kangaroo Point Cliffs, City Botanic Gardens, Riverside Centre, Eagle Street Pier, Captain Burke Park, Wilsons Outlook
How Much