果真這裡如大家說所的,有游泳池等等,算是我第一次見到HOSTEL有swimMing pool,好玩的是可能水有點冷或如何,並沒人下水玩,都是躺在旁邊草皮上看書曬太陽,即使天氣看起來很炎熱。
給想來Alice spring人Hostel的選擇,如果你有需要用到Wireless你該選擇Alice Lodge(4 Mueller Street)它在市區旁的一座橋附近,那裡空間小些,房間數也少些,但有吃到飽的無線網路Free charge;若你沒帶Laptop你可以選擇Annie's Place,這裡有BAR,很多沒帶電腦的外國人都喜歡這裡,因為這裡有$5 Meals,3種foods選擇,通常人都點Fish and chips,也有Wireless $6 per hour,所以我後來有點後悔沒選擇Alice Lodge,這兩者間的距離應該有2.2Km。
Annie's Place有一個亞洲人知名的旅遊團,每次250元,帶你去看UluRu,三天兩夜,是這裡最便宜的。即使你住其他HOSTEL,他也會去你家門前載你,所以不需擔心。品質如何?等我去過再告知吧?就我所知,每個去過的人都累的像溺水被救上來一樣,我猜真的很累吧?所以要有心理準備。
這裡房間算中上水準,房間內有電視、冷氣、盥洗室,只是看起來外觀稍微舊了點,以上兩個的Hostel都有免費Pick up,這裡每個床位都18元,跟網路上和DM標價不同,可能是為了商業防止吧?早餐時間很短,5:30 ~ 8:30所以有賴床的人肯定會吃不到。
This is the best hostel in town with free pick up from the airport, bus, or train station, free breakfast in the morning, a high speed internet cafe, a funky bar with amazing $5 meals, $2 town tour, and also home of the famous Mulga $250 Rock trip.
It has a huge swimming pool, all rooms are airconditioned, boast televisions, have just been painted funky colours and all beds are new and clean.
If you are going on tour to Uluru all companies conviently pick up from Annies, and you can store your big bag and valuables for free. If you haven't organised a trip, with it's licenced travel agency the friendly Annie's staff can help out with all tours, bus, train, plane tickets or car hire.
Annie's is also home of the famous $250.00 Mulga Tour which is a 3 day / 2 night Tour to Ayers Rock, Kings Canyon and The Olgas. The Tour departs from Annie's every day at 6am and can only be booked direct through the operator for $250.
Come and see why travellers find Annies the place for a fun, clean, happy stay and solo travellers will find it's the easiest place to make new friends.
- May 09 Fri 2008 06:32
About Annie's Place in Alice Spring @ Alice spring