這間是我目前在澳洲住過最貴一週的HOSTEL,本來是預定Big dorm,一週$130,我還事前一個月RESERVATION,結果人到了現場她竟然給我裝傻,說沒收到你的EMAIL,所以沒保留等話,那幹嘛跟我要信用卡帳號,皮在癢。剛到這裡時,覺得很爛的一間,但是住了幾天後覺得還可以接受,尤其是整潔部分算是相當優秀的,每天都有兩次以上的清掃,所以可以保持的很好。
這裡有幾個缺點,就碗盤要租,每次押金$10,因為他們懶得洗碗盤,所以想要使用時需要去Reception rental ,算是有點不方便吧!此外每週$130 big dorm人或許過多,所以進進出出關門聲,會很容易擾人清夢,他們STAFF也是爆機車的,跟他們講話會讓人氣結;每週會把冰箱食物清空,每次清空後,很多人都會抱怨怎麼我的食物不見了,可想而知是被扔了,我也曾經LOST過整袋,跑去跟Reception抱怨才找到。
每天早晨如果天氣晴朗,我就會在陽台吃我的早餐,一邊看著外面的River,一邊Sun bath,好逍遙。
This hostel is located in the city centre, near the main bus and train station. It is clean and well maintained. Impressive facilities include: heated roof top swimming pool, rocking pub, funky cheap cafe, laundry, huge guest kitchen and a completely free internet lounge. This hostel has it all !!
Brisbane City Backpackers is located in the city centre, just 400mts from Roma steet's main bus & train terminal. The hostel boasts market leading facilities & services, complete with panoramic river and city views, from the rear balconies and solar heated roof top swimming pool.
We have a broad range of accommodation to suit every pocket, from the financially challenged, to the comfort junkie! You choose!!
Female only, or small, medium & large mixed dorms.
Private single, twin, double & double ensuite with fridge & TV.
Brisbane midsummer, the nights are hot! All bookings made through this site, have temperature-controlled air conditioning included in the price!
All our facilities are cleaned relentlessly and maintained to a newly refurbished standard.
Keeping in touch with your family & friends will never be cheaper! We are the first & only hostel in Australia, to provide free, unlimited broadband Internet access to our guests. Our FREE high-speed Internet lounge is open 6am to 11pm daily.
Travelling with a laptop? FREE wireless now available!
- Aug 18 Mon 2008 08:08
About Brisbane City Backpackers @Brisbane